A peripheral vascular disease case study -- necrosis, swelling, skin disease

NOTE: It is the intention of Mycoalkonics to give a different or new perspective to the reader such that it is expedient and circumspective to uphold a Beneficent Suspicon that fungal toxins and fungus as the root causes of degenerative/chronic diseases. Armed with this Beneficent Suspicion and thus understanding the potential target, the reader can then use his/her own initiative to seek out various ways to address the target; and also discuss methodologies with his/her respective sources of knowledge or with parties from whom he/she wishes to get his/her health problems solved.

Where phyto herbal greens are concerned, Mycoalkonics understands that currently it is impossible to provide every nitty-gritty detail on usage, dosage, contraindication, exact administration of this-and-that as it would consume too much resources.  Moreover, availability of phyto herbal greens are dependent on geographies.  What Mycoalkonics does is to give a high-level overview of what was carried out, administered, tried and tested. The reader is strongly advised to corroborate the information contained herein with other sources of information and also to read the Disclaimer.

Skin diseases in some people (and the trend is getting worse and recognised to be so, like say in the U.S.) might be one of the most recalcitrant maladies which somehow afflicts 'permanently' or what is often labelled as 'a lifetime scarring ailment' all because the epithelial scars seem to be persistently refractory to treatments.

Also, we have seen diabetics often becoming afflicted with 'skin itchiness' and some sort of what is often passed off as standard 'skin disease'. This affliction may be a passing phase or a permanent one. In fact for diabetics, 'skin disease' is a potential source for necrotic gangrenes which may potentially cause limb amputation, Necrotic gangrenes in diabetes may develop from just a small skin trauma at say the foot or fingers and morbidity progression is usually quite rapid.

There are 'hardcore' standard treatments for skin diseases discounting the fact that a skin disease sufferer is at the same time suffering from a lung infection, diabetes or cancer.  

The key question by Mycoalkonics is this:  Is there a practice of circumspectively looking at the terrain of skin diseases in sufferers who are at the same time afflicted with at least one of these conditions, for example: Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, lung infections, stroke, and asthma.

Why?  Based on our experential knowledge in some diabetic cases suffering from necrotic gangrenes, a 100% arrest of a necrosis can actually happen within single-digit weeks when daily doses of imbibing of phyto-herbal greens is done IN PARALLEL with standard mainstream medical treatments using antibiotics, anti-histamines, debridement, and what-nots; but this is rarely the case for patients who wholly depend on standard mainstream medical treatments.  

We have found that using the standard mainstream treatment for necrotic gangrenes may be inadequate all because the solution concept, to our mind, revolves around wound debridement and administration of antibiotics. Mycoalkonics often wonder: Are we dealing with a gunshot wound or something?

Some standard medical tests use all sorts of monitoring and scanning devices to, for example, check the pulse condition in the limb of a necrotic gangrene patient and to be confirmed using a CT scan or something like that.  Usually what turns up in the scans is serious sclerosis, thrombosis or whatever -sis in the blood vessels.  This would later involve (if the finances of the patient allows) the administration of electrical impulses into the neurological network of that particular limb afflicted with the necrotic gangrene; and this treatment is thought to activate the muscular system which helps blood flow up and down between the heart and the peripheral regions of the body.

Some medical staff would proffer the oft-quoted phrase "immuno-compromised condition" to suggest why a necrotic gangrene patient is not responding well to standard treatment for skin diseases; and then pump the patient with more powerful antibiotics.  See the merry-go-round here?

And the worst piece of advice (which you should be aware) is this: "The rotting gangrene potentially causes blood septicaemia leading to death.  Amputation of the offending limb should be the immediate solution."  This causes sudden panic and much disheartening experiences.

The imbibing of the filtered juice of edible phyto herbal photosynthetic greens on a daily basis IN PARALLEL with the standard treatments can produce amazing results, and in fact speedily solves the morbidity of the necrosis.   There are various reasons why the phyto herbal greens can help and two of them are: Phyto herbal greens are superior anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents.  Phyto herbal greens directly adjusts the body environment for the immune system to be optimally functioning in order to counter the microbes causing the gangrene.    Imbibing some probiotics and prebiotics may be good too.

Mycoalkonics is of the opinon that the Beneficent Suspicion necessarily includes the view that the same family of microbes which causes diabetes are causing the adjunctive skin diseases, renal failure, blurry or poor vision, joint pains, weakness and numbness in limbs, sclerosis in the blood vessels, etc, and thus dealing with it using alkalization techniques can potentially produce amazing results.

We have come across a certain peripheral vascular disease (PVD) case involving a diabetic patient which changed forms consecutively over a period of 1 year or so.

First, an early-stage necrosis at the underside of the right toe was arrested using a combination of phyto greens which the patient imbibed and another set of phyto greens to be applied on the small wound together with Himalaya salt.  This was successfully achieved within two months.

A few weeks later, some swelling in both legs progressively developed in 2-3 weeks and might be thought to be a result of poor kinetics in the limbs due to joint pains, lack of walking, disinteredness to move around, lack of energy, lethargy, etc.   But the aforesaid causes was taken to be the secondary causes because poor limb functions could be due to the effects of fungal toxins adversely impacting the  musculo-skeletal- circulatory system and kickstarting a vicious cycle of poor kinetics and later a complete inability to walk without assistance.

The Beneficent Suspicion here was still on a pathogenic class of fungus.

Using a regimented imbibing of filtered phyto herbal greens daily (at least 1 liter per day spread over morning and afternoon); garlic oil, flaxseed oil, gingko extracts (4 capsules each after meals) over a period of 6-8 months. By taking up a Beneficent Suspicion that whatever is causing the leg swelling is fundamentally coming from a pathogenic class of internal fungi produced amazing results.  The swelling abated.  The patient regained strength to walk.

A few months down the road, that part of the leg (
which experienced the swelling months ago and became solved) developed a skin disease.  A cursory glance would definitely (and incorrectly) place the skin disease as just a normal skin disease.  

However, by using a Beneficent Suspicion that the skin disease is a morphed version of the fungus colony, an atopic treatment using virgin coconut oil (a strong anti-fungal) solved the problem again within 2-3 weeks.  The Beneficent Suspicion works again.  The patient is fine now.

Useful readings:
Source: www.mycoalkonics.com