Mycoalkonics is about the bionics of control of pathogenic fungi (myco) proliferation in the internal human body with an aim to relieve degenerative early attack on total health (D.E.A.T.H.). Welcome to the site which explains the fundamentals about the ONE INFECTION MANY DISEASES. ONE SOLUTION MANY USES.

Chronic diseases should never be dealt with by totally accepting mainstream or popular 'knowledge' and information on chronic diseases. We have to exercise our inquiring mind and check with the latest corroborative evidences.   The latest corroborative evidences have led Mycoalkonics to develop the Beneficent Suspicion for the inalienable right of the inquiring mind in every individual to question, investigate, and reason.   More
It is a revolutionary way of dealing with chronic diseases by using circumspective and knowledgeable steps to zoom in on a prime suspect which already resides within the human body instead of focussing on the myriad of causes supposedly coming from outside the body.  More
We give chronic diseases the acronym D.E.A.T.H. which stands for Degenerative Early Attack on Total Health. As you will soon see, fungus and its toxins are highly suspect in the degeneration of the human body and its organs, functions, and processes.   More
The current perspectives on chronic diseases coming from mainstream medical science might very well be grossly deficient and this is evident from the disappointing results spanning over nearly two score years.  More
Every minute and second, we are exposed to good and bad fungus through various channels, for example air, water, food, and fungal oontagion. Public health related issues related to fungus is not given much attention, though it is a real threat. More
The solution to fight fungus is not far away from all the methodlogies, protocols and solutions used to treat diseases caused by pathogenic and toxigenic fungus such as Candidiasis. More

We have tried alkalization protocols for diabetics with amazing success. The symptoms of 'faked exercising' in a diabetic will gradually go away with alkalization protocols in the standard methods of dealing with Candidiasis.

With this comes a normalization of blood sugar without the use of artificial insulin.

Thus, a Beneficent Suspicion that diabetes has at is core a pathogenic and toxigenic fungus leads to success in conquering the chronic disease.